Save the date! On the 6th of October at 6 PM, my Vanitas will be part of the exhibition "Lands of Memory" (International Contemporary Artists revealing war legacies).
The exhibition will be held at the Battlefield Museum (Museo della Battaglia) in Vitttorio Veneto, a city near Treviso, Italy.
This is the second appointment of B#SIDE WAR VOL. II where I participated, continuing on reflecting on how the 1st World War reflects on our current society and everyday life.
Here the legacies of the 1st World War emerge through connecting images of wartime with contemporary art, empowered by showing the artworks in the most intense battlefields, such as Vittorio Veneto.
The exhibition shows how these territories have assimilated the tragic events of the War, consciously or unconsciously: the landscape, the natural elements and material objects are impregnated with grief.
Together with me, this exhibition will include works of: Jane Glynn, Ilisie Remus, Nathalie Vanheule, Claudio Beorchia, Victoria Lucas and Luca Terenzi.
Here's the official invitation brochure, thanks to IoDeposito for the organization!
A great occasion to visit the wonderful rolling hills around Treviso, indulging on Prosecco is highly recommended.